Monday, July 21, 2008


Wow! Everyone! pa kabar? how is it goin? Maaf banget gue lagi jarang online lately cuz lagi record some of AKIRA AS ASTRONAUGHTY song's...

Akira As Astronaughty it's my latest side project consisting me ( Dmust Akira ) in Synthesizer, keyz and Vocal, and DJ TWIST in Padz and Light Saber!

My Side Project born karena gue suka banget dengan music DANCE... Electro, Jazz House and Drum n Bass

Gue bener bener lagi exited banget buat kelarin beberapa single this month and hopefuly this year The Album will be out... padahal label aja belom ketemu haha tapi Kita harus optimis ya ga? :) well some of the song's udah bisa di request di 101.4 Trax FM and Hard Rock FM... Such as KILLIN ME ( with no motion ), BERUBAH, dan Indahnya yang jadi theme song Aniversary Trax FM Jakarta dan Semarang :)))))) YES IM SOOOOO EXITED! I hope everyone will love my side project

remember guys it's AKIRA AS ASTRONAUGHTY! or you can make it short like AAA!

( be friend with us at myspace )

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