Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Handphone Baru! Yay!

Udah lama kayanya Hp samsung i600 gue pensiun nemenin gue dan gue cuma pake hp esia butut gue... Ya gimana ga butut? Batrenya ngedrop melulu... Baru pake bentar udah mati! gila deh... chargenya padahal udah semaleman... ya gpp sih akhirnya Gue beli Hp Baru and ga disangka sangka akhirnya gue beli juga Hp ini... Berawal dari ajakan nyokap gue buat muter muter satu ITC dengan ada harapan Hp yang gue mau banget... Tadinya gue pengen beli Blackberry but semua orang pakeeeee Blackberry and im kinda bored actualy... nothing special with the phone... actualy it was special tp mungkin karena gue udah bosen yaaaaaa jadi gitu deh hahahaha, Hp sejuta umat jo! gilaa deh... Everyone use Blackberry! Tapi akhirnya pencarian HP gue berakhir di LG KT610! This cellphone is so ME! it's black, lowprofile outside high inside! gimana ga, HPnya kecil but it's actualy a minisize of comunicatornya nokia :D... lebih lebih lagi pas gue liat dalemnya yang actualy it's SYMBIAN S60 mirip kaya nokia dan softwarenya gampang dicari dimana mana hehehe. Akhirnya gue beli KT610 hehehe... akhirnya gue pake GSM baru... Sampe dirumah Gue langsung Pimp the phone with wallpaper, ringtones, and software... Software yang pertama kali gue install of course ebuddy! YEEEAAAAAAH!
sedikit review tentang LG LT610 ini... Bluetooth? CHECK, QWERTY? CHECK, CHAT EVERYWHERE? CHECK!, Facebook? CHECK!, Fast Internet? CHECK!, Good Camera? CHECK! it got TWO! CAMERAS! :D so what are you waitin for dont waste your time buying those berry that not even black in colors! search something else!

P.S. :
anyway i just found out and you guy's should check it out LG it's actualy Good!
really! dia baru aja keluarin seri KS360 and Hp ini khusus buat Internet, Chat, and desiannya bagus banget, it's QWERTY flip... and you wanna know what good is... i will whisperred to you... it's very cheaappp! hahaha... only Rp 2.600.000

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